Lisa Vo

Lisa Vo is a 22-year-old writer of young adult literature, contemporary poet, and abstract painter who resides in Lake Worth, Florida. She is an editor at SeaGlass Literary Magazine.

Her fiction works primarily explore youthfulness through an intricate lens, human ties to nature, and discovering one's identity. The characters in her stories often find themselves handling teenage obstacles with a fantastical twist.

She studies at the University of Illinois, pursuing a BA in English Literature and Modern Languages. Through her creations, she wishes for people to contemplate what life gives to them and what their presence gives back.


"Carefree" - Ice Lolly Review

"Radiant Afternoon" and "The Transcendental Bus" - Academy of the Heart and Mind

"Red Roses" - SeaGlass Literary

"Vivid Daydreams" - Pastel Serenity